Friday, January 26, 2018

HCG Test Day & Our First Ultrasound!!

Sunday is Day 9p5dt and our first HCG test!!! Day 9 – By this time, the levels of the hormone hCG, are high enough in the blood stream to be detected. You may take a home pregnancy test today. If the test is negative, it could still be a false negative. Wait for another two days and take the test again. The blood test for beta HCG is much more relaible and is usually done about 10 -12 days after blastocyst transfer.

Since I will just be getting a blood draw and not the results I went ahead and went to the clinic by myself, while Johnny stayed home with Mr. Bentley. I got there around 7:40 AM. They got me in and out in about 30 minutes and then we went and did our grocery shopping before the store got crazy. It seemed like time was taking a lot longer than usual. Probably because we are waiting for phone call!!!
Like any other Sunday, it was full of cleaning, and playing with Bentley. Phone finally rang about 11:00 am to let us know that my HCG levels came back at 130.8 which meant that I was in fact Pregnant!!! They want to see the number above 50. When I got my first HCG test done last transfer  my level was at 195. So this time around it is lower but still well above the 50 mark. I had taken 4 tests prior to this day because of how skeptical I was. Three of them showed positive. The nurse went over all of my medications to continue taking, told me that I needed to go back to the clinic for another blood draw two days later to make sure that my HCG level was doubling.


So from the time I got the phone call on my first HCG, I was already 4 weeks. It is still new to me and all I can think about is how the heck I will handle a teenager, a two year old, and a newborn. I think that thought runs through my mind every day. We are still very excited and cannot wait to watch this miracle grow.


I got a congratulations phone call from our Doctor on Monday and then I went back into the clinic on Tuesday for my 2nd HCG test. The nurse called me in the later morning and told me that my levels were at 358. She told me that I needed to continue on all of my same medications and to schedule my first ultrasound for a few weeks later. I will need to call and get another order of medication since I will be on them until I am 10-12 weeks pregnant.

This go around the exhaustion and nausea have been so much worse. I always feel like I cannot get enough sleep. We literally go to bed by 9:00pm at the latest every night even on the weekends. I also get super nauseous, but mainly when I go too long without eating. Thankfully the nausea has slowed down by week 7. We had our first Ultrasound at 6 weeks and 5 days. Everything looked great! Baby measured at 6 weeks and 1 day and the heart rate was 127 bpm. We will have our first appointment at the OB in a few weeks and hopefully get to start weening the meds and get the official "Graduation" from CCRM.

We had our first appointment at the OBGYN on January 19th. I had an ultrasound and everything showed baby was doing well measuring a few days ahead so that is exciting. Baby's heart measured at 180 bpm. We finished the appointment with discussing the timeline for future appointments. 
Everything else has started to be smooth sailing so I hope that this continues. 

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