I was on bed rest for the remainder of Friday after the transfer and then all of Saturday. Laying around doing nothing is not my forte' at all. I have so much I could be doing and my back was killing me from laying down too much. As I laid in bed the day of the transfer I noticed a little light cramping here and there but nothing major. I decided to give you all an explanation of what happens inside the body after a transfer. Because our embryo started hatching before it was implanted the timeline of everything may be a little off but it gives you an idea.
Best rest way harder this time than last time. Bentley would whine and cry for Mommy and I could not pick him up. My discharge instructions say that I can not lift more than 10 pounds for 2 weeks. Well the doctor and I both know that was not going to be possible especially having a 22 pound toddler. I did my best to take it easy for that first day and a half while Johnny was in charge of keeping Bentley occupied.Day 1 – After the embryos are transferred, the cells keep dividing. The blastocyst begins to emerge from its shell and this process is called hatching.
Sunday marked 2dp5dt (aka 2 days past 5 day transfer). Johnny gave me my progesterone in oil shot that morning and then it was off to the races. Okay not really the races but we did have a super busy day! I really hope that I did not over due it because I was on my feet all day long and didn't get much rest or relaxation. By the evening time I noticed a little bit of cramping as I was laying in bed. Nothing much just a little here and there still.Day 2 – The second day is crucial because this is the time when the embryo begins to attach itself to the uterine lining. The blastocyst continues to grow.
Day 3dp5dt was back to work. I changed out my patches that morning. As the day went on I had pretty bad cramping all day. I am not sure if it was because I was sitting or what but they finally went away after I was home and was reclining on the couch. Last time around I was very anxious at this stage wondering if it worked or didn't work. I have those same feelings this go around. Day 3 – On this day, the blastocyst invades into the uterine lining and implantation begins. The woman may have light bleeding and spotting on this day
Day 4 Johnny had to give me my progesterone in oil shot that morning. I didn't have any new symptoms really during the day. Day 4 – On the fourth day, the blastocyst continues dig deeper into the uterus Light bleeding and spotting may continue on this day as the embryo invades the endometrial blood vessels to nourish itself through the maternal blood supply. However, the absence of any bleeding, cramping and spotting does not mean that implantation has not occurred so don't let your mind play games with you.
Wednesday is Day 5p5dt, I woke up around 1:00am to Bentley screaming at the top of his lungs, not sure if he had a bad dream or what but at that same time I had some more pretty bad cramping. By the time I woke up for the day they had gone away. Last cycle I had taken at at home pregnancy test this day and it had given me a very very faint positive line. Day 5 – On the fifth day, implantation is considered complete. The embryo is developing vigorously.
Day 6 Johnny gave me another Progesterone injection. No new symptoms to report except I did however develop cold like symptoms. Stuffy head, exhausted, sore throat, and sneezing. I am not sure if I was getting a cold or if it just from the medications. I will say that I have had a lot of doubts this go around. Don't get me wrong I am still praying for a positive outcome but because of all the cramping and weird symptoms that I have had so far compared to last go around, it just gives me some doubt. Every cycle and person is different so it is not really a sure sign if it did or did not work just my opinion so far. Day 6 – The growing embryo triggers the release of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) into the blood stream. This is a hormone that is produced by the syncytiotrophoblast, the specialised cells which will form the placenta later on
Day 7.... It was finally the weekend which meant we were only a few days away from out HCG test ;) Last cycle I had taken 3 at home tests by now! ......... the anticipation is killing me AGAIN!! And with all of the weird symptoms I really have been thinking a lot about it. I changed out my patches first thing in the morning, then had to work for a little while before heading out to do some shopping. As the day went on I became so so so tired and finally called it a night at 8:00 Pm. Day 7 – The fetal development is in full swing and the embryo continues to develop quickly. As the placenta begins to take shape, it continues to release more hCG into the blood stream
Day 8 - Weekends are so crazy busy so really there was no time to notice any symptoms. Just anxiously waiting for the HCG test tomorrow and being completely exhausted!!! Day 8 – More hCG is released into the blood, as fetal development continues and the placenta begins to function.
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