Saturday, January 13, 2018

FET Day # 2

I received the call for the transfer time on Wednesday, cycle day 22, around 5:30 PM. The nurse confirmed what day I started on my Endometrin. Told me that I needed to check in to lab by 11:45 AM on Friday and then the transfer would be at 1:15 PM. I opted not to do the acupuncture this go around since it costs an extra $250.00 dollars. She made sure that I was going to have a ride to and from the clinic and also went over all of the bed rest instructions as well as my medication instructions. She told me that I should receive a call from the IVF lab either the next day or the morning of transfer to confirm that we will only be transferring one embryo.

I got the call from the lab on Thursday around 2:30 PM. They wanted to confirm that I was feeling good and was still planning on coming in for my transfer. They also confirmed that they would be thawing and only transferring in one embryo, and that it was our highest grade embryo. I confirmed that it was a day 5 grade scale 4AB. The embryo that turned into Mr. Bentley boy was a 4BA, The best grading you can get is a 4AA. So we again have a pretty close to perfect embryo. 

Cycle day 24 was our Transfer day. The morning's are always hectic! We got up with Bentley, got him ready for the day with Auntie, and sent Nevaeh off to school. I had to do a couple hours of work that morning while Johnny went to the gym. But I made sure there was time to take our picture to remind us of that morning, and then it was off to the clinic.

We checked into the clinic at 11:30 AM for my labs. After that we went upstairs and checked in for our transfer. The nurse came out and let us know that they were running about an hour behind. At that time I already had a half full bladder and knew I wouldn't make it another hour before peeing my pants so I had to use the restroom. Finally about 12:30 the nurse came out again and let me know that I should start drinking water and they would have my room ready by 1:00 PM. We got all settled into our room and waited for the ultrasound tech to come in. She came in and checked my bladder to see if it was half full, and decided that I needed to drink a little more water and that she would be back in about 15 minutes. So I just chugged a full cup of water because I didn't want to push it back any more than it had been.

Our doctor came in and confirmed we were ready to do this again LOL. He got me all prepped and said that everything was looking great. He did a test run and that went very smooth. He told us that our embryo looked awesome and that it had already started hatching, which is a good thing!! Then the embryologist came in, verified my name and date of birth, showed us our Embryo so Johnny could take a picture of it. Then it was time to insert it in. Watching it on the ultrasound monitor was super cool. Only Johnny got to see it last time so I was excited to be able to see it this go around. After he was all done I needed to lay there again for another hour with minimal movement.

Our Day 5 Embryo
After the hour was up I got to go to the restroom and then they wheeled me to the front of the clinic and waited for Johnny to go grab the truck and pick me up. The lab had called with my results and said they looked perfect. My progesterone level was at 27 and they want to see if above 15 and my estradiol was at 924 and they want to see it above 300. I needed to continue on all of my medications as planned. Now onto bed rest......... This should be fun with a toddler. 

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