Friday, October 30, 2015

And the verdict is...............

During the appointment the nurse told me that if my results turned out positive then there would be additional tests done, and that this is the last appointment that would be covered in our IVF package. Anything more would need to either be billed to insurance as pregnancy care or I could apply for the clinics Pregnancy Express program. This is where you pay one flat fee for all of the needed appointments and ultrasounds to check on the baby.

After we left the doctor appointment, we decided to go have some breakfast at Einstein's and do a little grocery shopping, before we went home and awaited the phone call.......

It wasn't until about 11am that the phone finally rang and the nurse told me my results were.....

............and that my HCG level was at 195 which they want to see higher than 50! So I needed to continue my current medicines and also the 3 patches every other day. I needed to go in for another blood draw on Tuesday to make sure that things were still progressing. At my appointment on Tuesday they would hope for my numbers to double. If they did then that meant I would be for sure pregnant, but it would be very early,  and if not well yeah then you can guess what it would mean.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The killer two week wait!

The IVF process is all about waiting and patience I swear, and sometimes you just run out of patience especially when its something that you have been wanting for many years.

The waiting game was EXTREAMLY hard through the weekend because laying around gives you nothing but time to think and concentrate on if it worked or not. The doctor tells you not to move around much, but really could laying in bed make you pregnant?

My mind slowed down a little when I went back to work on Monday which was 3dp5dt.  The doctor told us that we should not cheat and take any at home tests just because they could give you a false negative or even a false positive because of all of the medications. Some symptoms that I did notice that day were some intense cramping and then later that night I noticed some spotting. Which is all totally normal so nothing to freak out about. Johnny also made a mention that he thought my boobs were getting bigger LOL. I think it was just the shirt I was wearing honestly. :)

Tuesday is usually a super busy day at work so I didn't think much about it. I did still have some on and off cramping but there wasn't much spotting. My boobs were super sore though so that was so comfortable. I am still keeping up with changing my patches every other day as well as Johnny giving me my progesterone in oil shot the opposite days of the patch change.

Wednesday is 5dp5dt and I was getting really anxious to know what the results are. Most people I have read their blogs usually give in and test by now. Johnny told me that I was not allowed to, although I really wanted to. I know, I know it could give inaccurate readings but I still wanted to do it. My boobs we still super sore and I was feeling a bit bloated. Which are all signs of aunt flow also.

Thursday, 6dp5dt I seemed to be a little bit more sleepy. Maybe its because its so dark out in the morning and I haven't been able to sleep through the night. Still pretty bloated but not much else going on as far as symptoms.

Friday marks 7dp5dt. I am awaiting another round of medications today from the lovely FedEx driver. I did give in and take a test so that I could see what it said. I am not going to 100% believe what it told me until I did go to my Beta test. I have had a little more spotting and have just been really tired, but that's usually me anyway :)
On our way to the doctor
Well we are heading to the doctor this lovely Sunday morning!! We didn't have to wait a full two weeks because we had a frozen embryo transferred that was already 5 days old so the wait time was a little less, although it did not feel like any less. :)

 We will get a blood draw to check my HCG levels. Today marks 9dp5dt, or cycle day 31 whichever way you look at it  We will have to wait until later this afternoon for the nurse to call us with the results. This I think is by far the hardest waiting part..........


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The day we have been prepping for............ TRANSFER DAY!!

I always said that I wanted to get pregnant anytime after my birthday so I could be pregnant all winter long. So if all goes as planned then my long time wish could be granted.

Well the day is finally here..... Both Johnny and I are excited!! The transfer is scheduled for 2:15 pm on Cycle day 22.

That morning we sent Veah off to school and then went and had a nice breakfast and then did a little shopping at the mall before heading to the clinic. I had to drink lots of water before getting to the clinic because they want you to have a semi full bladder during the transfer.

We got to the clinic about 12:15 pm. I checked in for my lab work and got that all taken care of. Next, I went up stairs and checked in for my acupuncture treatment. They brought be a Valium to help my body and uterus relax and not cramp up during the transfer.  They started the acupuncture treatment and tell me to relax and just breathe... well let me tell you how hard that is when your bladder is about to blow up!! Once the treatment was done they let me go to the bathroom, well I only got to release a half of a solo cup. Again its pretty hard to stop yourself mid pee when your bladder is that full LOL. So, while waiting for the doctor to finish up with another transfer I had to empty my bladder two more times. Both times was a full solo cup... doctor said the only rule I have to follow during the transfer was to not pee on him.

The embryologist came in verified my wrist band and confirmed again that I would be transferring only one embryo. He let us know again that the grading of the embryo was a 4BA, The best grading you can get is a 4AA, so ours was almost perfect! He put a picture up on the wall of the embryo so we could see it and take a picture. Here is what it looks like....
Our 5 day embryo
Johnny got to watch on the ultrasound monitor as they transferred the embryo in, and it only took like 5 minutes if that. Once that was done I had to lay there with my legs propped up so they were even with my hips. The acupuncturist lady came back in for my second treatment. We left the office about 3:45 pm and headed home.
Just doing some acupuncture

Once I was home I had to either be in a reclined position or laying down on my back or side for the next 2 days. This is what I was not excited about. I am not very good at just sitting around doing nothing and surely don't like that Johnny will have to wait on me hand and foot. But I know that I have to do this therefore I will suffer though.