At the beginning of August 2014 is when I started all of the diagnostic testing for the procedure. I went and had numerous blood draws done to check my hormone levels. The cost for this was $510.00.
Next I had a Doppler ultrasound, an HSG, and a hysteroscopy. A Doppler ultrasound is a test that measures your blood flow in your body, an HSG test is where they insert a gas into your fallopian tubes to make sure they are open and do not have any blockage. The last test I had to get was the hysteroscopy, this is a test that shows the inside of your uterus and checks for polyps, scar tissue, or any abnormalities that would cause a reason for pregnancy not to be successful. Let me tell you how uncomfortable this was. I wasn't really sure what I was getting into and scheduled this to be done on my lunch break. Lets just say the rest of the afternoon was very painful. The cost for this appointment was $2,660.00.
Picture of Doppler Ultrasound |
During the ultrasound they also checked my resting follicle count to see how many I had. Anything greater than 8 is a lot, and usually a good indication that a great number of eggs will be collected and pregnancy will be successful. My counts were very high which is good but also could be bad because I could overstimulate which could cause a pause the whole process. I had 35 resting follicles on the right ovary and 20 resting follicles on the left. WHOA!!!
In late August I went back to have a regroup with the doctor to discuss the results of all the testing I had done. During this I found out that I had a polyp in one of my ovaries that would need to be removed in order to move forward. This was just an out patient surgery and would be fairly quick. There was only two places I could have this procedure at, those were the CCRM in Lone Tree or Avista Hospital in Louisville. If I went to Avista Hospital I could send the claim to insurance and would not have to pay as much as if I went to the CCRM office. Well clearly that decision was easy. I scheduled my surgery for the beginning of September. Once the time came around I had to cancel because we were in the process of selling and buying a new house so I couldn't spend any large amounts of money at that time. Then life got very complicated and we had to focus on dealing with was going on with Johnny's mom.
The total we paid out in 2014 was $3170.00.
In October of 2014 I thought I would make a go fund me page to help up raise money to pay for all of our appointments. I didn't know how this would turn out but from our friends on Facebook we raised $400.00. We are forever grateful for the donations everyone made.
Please feel free to check out or site and donate to our fund. We appreciate any donation to making or future brighter.
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