Sunday, July 12, 2015

Johnny's Surgery

Since my follicles were getting to be the size for retrieval they went ahead and scheduled his sperm extraction for Sunday June 28, at 7:00 am. Whew that was early for a Sunday.... we got to the surgery center about 6:20 because check in was at 6:30. Well being a little ahead of the game didn't do us any good because no one shows up until 6:30, so we had to wait and didn't get upstairs and checked in until 6:40 am. Once we got up to the check in room it was like rush rush because they needed to start on time! The nurse kinda sucked at giving Johnny his IV, which she should of had no problems because he has HUGE veins, but they had to stick him 3 times before getting it to work. He signed all his consents and started anesthesia and was off to the OR.

Johnny Oh So Excited for Surgery

I had to go get labs drawn for the last time to check on my levels again just to see about that OHSS. Well apparently all the nurses must of been sleepy because my nurse had to stick me twice before getting a good vein.... She told me that they normally wont call with results with this draw so no news is good news.

Johnny got out of surgery about 8:00 am, quick and easy! Dr. Mills came out to tell me that he did very well. The aspirated all sperm from his right side and gave him a small stitch, he asked Johnny how he was doing and well good since he didn't remember anything from getting the IV on. They gave him his discharge instructions, an ice pack, pain meds and we left about 9:00. Doctor said we would get the report most likely the next day.

Just a little loopy

On another note.... I got a call later in the day from the nurse saying that my levels were still super high and that after my egg retrieval I would need to continue the Cetrotide injections for 5 days to minimize the chances of OHSS. It usually occurs after the retrieval because the follicle pockets will continue to fill up with fluid after the eggs are retrieved and the fluids could leak and spread to my heart and lungs. So because I only had one Cetrotide kit left she was needing to call in another prescription.

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