Thursday, July 16, 2015

Egg Retrieval

On Monday the 29th I had my egg retrieval scheduled. We got to the clinic about 8:00, check in was at 8:45am and surgery was scheduled for 9:45am. As they were checking me in the nurse let me know that my estrogen levels were over 10,000 which is ridiculously high. She also let me know that I was "an overachiever" with the amount of follicles I have. They got me all set up with my IV and had me sign all my consent forms and then it was time to go back. All I remember was them hooking oxygen up and asking me to scoot down and that's all. I woke up in recovery with a nice warm blanket.

While waiting in recovery the nurse came to let me know that they were able to retrieve 34 eggs!! Holy Cow that is a lot of eggs. Next, the embryologist came to let us know that Johnny's sample they got the day before wasn't as good as they hoped but that there were about 6-7 little strong swimmers they could use for ICSI (Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection). ICSI is where embryologist selects a single sperm to be injected directly into an egg, instead of fertilization taking place in a dish where many sperm are placed near an egg. They would do ICSI later that day and we would get a call the following day with out Fertility report.

The nurses went over my discharge paperwork and let me know that I would need to start back on the Cetrotide that evening and also go get the other script for the additional 4 nights. I also needed to take the antibiotic for prevention of infection, and to come back in a few days to make sure that everything is looking good. I still have to take it easy, meaning no exercise, no baths or submerging myself in water, must drink LOTS and LOTS of fluids and continue to eat salty foods! Johnny so kindly went to pick up my additional Cetrotide, which cost $418.00.

That day was pretty non eventful just laid around, still was really bloated and uncomfortable. I went back to work the next day and again was extremely uncomfortable and bloated. I really could of used a wheelchair because it was a jaunt to the restroom and believe me with all the fluids I was drinking I was in there every 30 minutes, and walking was even painful! But things are moving forward so I am happy!! :)

Here is a look at what my stomach looked like even after I was done with the first round of shots before starting the Cetrotide again.

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