My due date was approaching and we started walking a lot the last week, well what we thought would be the last week of pregnancy. I didn't really want to go into labor while my mom (grandma) was out of town so we just walked a few nights during the week. I went in for my 40 week appointment after walking around the mall for 1.5 hours. When the doctor checked me and told me that there had been no progress made in the last week.... it was a bit disappointing. We looked up all the at home ideas for inducing labor. I tried eating lots of pineapple, we went out for Mexican food, kicked the soccer ball around with Nevaeh, did some more walking, tried acupressure points, before giving in and trying Castro oil on Sunday night. I drank the oil around 5:30pm before eating dinner. Went to bed about 9pm and started having contractions about 11pm. I just waited them out and all that really happened was I got cramping and had to use the bathroom. Around 3am all the cramping and contractions stopped. I went in to my appointment on Tuesday The 17th to have a NST test done. This test measures the babies heart rate and contractions.Everything was looking like little Mister was perfectly content inside my tummy. The nurse told me to hit every pot hole and speed bump on the way home and to drink lots of Raspberry leaf tea. I continued drinking the tea and even tried Castor oil on Wednesday afternoon and all it did was send me to the bathroom. I went back into the doctor on Friday for a second NST test and everything still looked good. Doctor checked me again and said that I had dilated to a 1.5 now but still hadn't effaced. We discussed the induction process and agreed that Sunday the 22nd was the day for induction. I continued to walk and drink the Raspberry tea throughout the weekend in hopes he would come on his own. But NO luck!! We checked into the hospital at 9:00pm on Sunday the 22nd. The nurse came in and checked my cervix for dilation and I was still at a 1.5, she also started me on Cytotec at 10:00pm. This medicine is supposed to help your cervix dilate. I wouldn't get checked again until 2:00am. I tried to take a nap but the nerves and excitement kept me from doing that. At 2:00am she came in and checked me and I had progressed to a 2, so she gave me another round of Cytotec and said to get some rest and wait another 4 hours. 6:00am was shift change so we got a new nurse. She checked me ans said I had made it to a 3 and that we could start on the pitocin. We started this at 6:30am and then the long slow process continued. I just wouldn't dilate. The nurse and doctor recommended that I get an epidural to help my body relax and hopefully dilate more. At about 2:00pm on Monday they checked me and said I had made it to 4cm. I finally agreed to the epidural in hopes that it would help me progress. I did not want to get an epidural from the get go but whatever was going to speed up the process I was game for. They came in around 2:30pm to do the epidural and shortly after my Doctor came in and broke my water. The waiting game continued. I was slowly progressing still and by 8:00pm I had made it to 6cm. We were all starting to have a little hope that he was on his way soon. By 10:30pm my epidural had worn off so the nurse had to refill the meds. She also checked me again and I was still at 6cm. She noticed that my cervix was starting to swell and that was a sign that things were not going well. At 10:50pm we decided that a C-Section was what needed to happen in order for this little man to come out. They brought in all of the needed dressings for both Johnny and I. They pumped me full of morphine so all of my body from the chest down was numb. They wheeled me back got me prepped and went to get Johnny. With all of the meds I had taken I was very nauseous and could hardly keep my eyes open while laying on the OR table. All that I remember was shaking really bad and the doctors telling me that I would feel a lot of pressure. Bentley Jayce was born at 11:53pm on Monday, May 23 2016. Weighing in at 9 pounds and measuring 22 inches long. Thank goodness we choose C-Section when we did because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck twice, and he was sunny side up. We are so blessed to have been given this little baby and are so grateful for this precious gift. We will cherish every moment we have with him.
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