Thursday, November 30, 2017

Starting the FET meds

So when our nurse gave us our "mock up" calendar she also gave us our estimated transfer date. Like before this date is just an estimate. As long as my body follows the schedule they have then this will be a set day but we wont know for sure just yet. 

I started on my 10 units of Lupron injections on 11/9. Lupron overstimulates the body's own production of the usual hormone exchange that cause follicle production and ovulation.

 I will continue the 10 units every day. I havent had to take any injections for a while so after the first one I instantly remember how bad it made my stomach burn and would turn red immediatly. The last time this medication made me have outrageous hot flashes and wicked headaches, and sure enough those lovely headaches were back. I didnt have those hot flashes like I did the last time. Which was definetly a good thing. 

That same day I received an email from a lady at the buisness office reminding me that we needed to get our payment in no later than 2 weeks before our scheduled transfer date. We had to make two seperate payments. One to CCRM for $2830.00 and one to the FLC (Fertility labs of Colorado) for $3516.00. 

I sent a check in email to my nurse just to make sure that I was doing all that I should be doing. We havent had much contact so I felt like I may not be doing something right. I got the response back and everything is right on target. I started on my second pack of birth control on November 11th and continued taking that until the 13th. Yep, had to get a whole new pack of birth control to take 3 pills out of it. Now I just continue my lupron injections and wait until my cycle comes.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Check in with CCRM and medication order

So I finally started my cycle on 10/19. I called into my nurse and let her know. She sent me the list of all medications that I needed to order for this go around along with our "mock up" calendar. She also called in my first pack of birth control to the pharmacy so that I could start on that on cycle day 3. I called around to the pharmacys that I used last time to check on the cost for all of the medications. I found out that this time I was able to use some of the generics for the medications so that was going to make the cost a little bit cheaper. Hey a little bit adds up to a lot in this case. I was able to find that one of the pharmacies I used the last time could get me all of the medications for $1467.53. They were able to submit some things to my insurance which was nice.

I continued on my birth control pack #1 and placed the order for all medications.

Since I get to work from home on Fridays I scheduled the appointmet for both Johnny and I to go have our communicable blood draw done on 11/3 as well as have my medications delivered this day since it needs a signature. Bentley and I went and had my blood drawn early in the morning so that we could make it back home for when the Fed Ex driver showed up with my box of goodies and Johnny went after work.

I recieved an email from our nurse on Monday 11/6 telling us that she was going to be leaving for maternity leave and would not be returning to the clinic. She introduced us to our new nurse through the email portal. Not like we could see her or meet her but hey at least we have her name and her extension. I guess that will do for now. Within the same email she let me know that our lab results from our communicables came back negative. This was a good thing. :) 

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Starting round 2....

So eventhough we have our frozen embryos the doctor says its been too long and we have to redo the majority of all of the testing in order to do another round. We scheduled our one day work up for August 25th. I had to do another HSG test. This is where they insert a gas into your fallopian tubes to make sure they are open and do not have any blockage. I also got an ultrasound done to check on my resting follicle count. and blood flow. Anything greater than 8 follicles is a lot. The last time I had this test done I had 35 resting follicles on the right ovary and 20 resting follicles on the left. This time I had 32 on the left and 36 on the right. To say I am fertile is an understatement LOL.  Then the last test I had to get was the hysteroscopy, this is a test that shows the inside of your uterus and checks for polyps, scar tissue, or any abnormalities that would cause a reason for pregnancy not to be successful. Again because our insurance does not cover any fertility we paid $ 1436.00 for these tests.

We also met with our nurse to update all of our paperwork with new phone numbers, address, and emergency contacts. She gave me the list of blood work that I needed to get done. The majority of these could be done at an outside lab so that we could use our insurance. We talked about they time frame we wanted to shoot for the transfer. Since we had planned to take a cruise in September we wanted to wait until well after we got back. One other blood draw we both had to get done was our Communicable disease testing. We wanted to put this off for a little while just because they are only good for 6 months and we did not have an ideal date set for when we wanted to do our transfer. We got our cost outline from the business office and then on to our last appointment.

The last appointment we had was to talk with our doctor and talk about our 8 frozen embryos, the grade scale for each of them and how many we would like to transfer this time. Since we had sucess with just one embryo we are going to do the same for this time around. We were reminded that in order to prep for pregnancy alcohol and caffiene needed to be cut out. I would need to stop playing sports before I could start on any of the medications again. Now that I have finished with all the summer sports and coaching Nevaehs volleyball this would be just fine with me.

We had our cruise cancelled because of the hurricane in Florida. So we had to push it back a few weeks. We finally made it on the big boat in October just in time to celebrate our 7 year wedding anniversary. We had a great time on the ship but missed Nevaeh and Bentley so much. We couldnt wait to get back home to see them. Once we were back I had to wait until my next cycle came so that I could get in touch with my nurse and schedule for the remainder of our blood work, get the list of medications I was going to need, as well as talk about getting our "mock up" callendar for transfer.

It's so crazy to think that we are now going to be going through round 2 of this very stressful yet exciting time. Please keep us in your thoughts over the next few months. ;)