Sunday, December 29, 2013

Our 2013

2013 started off great! Katie, Cora and I took Nevaeh to see Justin Bieber in concert. And as much fun as she had I think the older girls had more fun LOL. We watched my cousin get married up on the mountain side. Nevaeh performed in a musical with her 2nd grade class.

 March 15th the townhouse went on the market. And to my surprise for more then what I ever thought I would get for it. By March 20th we were under contract, and now needing to house hunt for something to buy. At the end of March I decided I wanted to change up my look. So I decided to do something with my hair that was extreme for me. 
At the end of April we closed on the townhouse, and since we didn't have a house to buy (because our first realtor sucked) we ended up moving into Johnny's moms new house. One afternoon in mid May god was really watching over Johnny as he was in a car accident on his way home from work that totaled his car. Thankfully he walked away with only a small headache and some body aches. 

On May 31st we closed on our very first home together. 

In July Nevaeh lost her 6th tooth. We took our annual trip to Glenwood Springs, to take the hike to Hanging lake to visit Johnny's dads tree. We watched a few firework shows with friends, saw Kenny Chesney in concert, and re arranged the house a few times LOL. We also went back to the Fertility clinic to see what we needed to do to start the process to get pregnant. We were given' the run around 2-3 times and had already put out a couple hundred dollars so we were tired of it and just wanted to get our process started.

Our house was starting to finally feel like a home.... because we had such a horrible time buying we had to settle on a house that wasn't exactly what we had in mind for our home but it was going to fit us for a little while.

In August we celebrated Johnny getting a new job with Mike and Travis doing fiber optics and telecommunications, Volleyball tournaments, Katie's bridal shower, Nevaeh's first day of 3rd grade at a new school, my golden birthday and Katie's bachelorette party. It was a busy month to say the least.

First day of 3rd grade

September finally meant Katie and Mike were getting married!! We had so much fun celebrating with her and Nevaeh made a new best friend. 
Rylie and Nevaeh

To close out the year we celebrated our 3 year anniversary, spent Thanksgiving with Johnny's side of the family and then had our first Christmas at our new house.